About Us

The World Design Organization (WDO)™, formerly known as the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid), is an international non-governmental organization that promotes the profession of industrial design and its ability to generate better products, systems, services, and experiences; better business and industry; and ultimately a better environment and society.

From 12 founding professional design associations in 1957, WDO has grown to include over 170 member organizations from more than 40 nations, engaging them in collaborative efforts and providing them with the opportunity to be heard internationally.

A renewed vision and mission was approved by the members at the general assembly in October 2015 along with an approval to change the name of the organization to World Design Organization.

WDO has United Nations Special Consultative Status.

Land Acknowledgment

Based in Montréal (Canada) since 2005, World Design Organization acknowledges that its Secretariat is located on the unceded Indigenous territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka. For centuries, these lands have served as a traditional gathering place for many nations and WDO honours the Indigenous leadership and knowledge that continues to shape this territory, and others around the world in which we work.