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Makiko Tsumura
Japan Institute of Design Promotion
Promotional Member
More than 10 years’ career of international design promotion exchange through the Good Design Award at JDP, I have shared with many countries that we can strengthen the industry by enhancing their design capabilities and sharing them widely with society.
Collaboration with the ASEAN-Japan Centre has been ongoing since 2015, and working to establish design promotion schemes, including design award implementation in 10 ASEAN member countries. We have already produced good results in Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia, and are planning to proceed with other countries such as the Philippines, Laos, and Brunei. We will work together to solve problems such as marine plastic waste, gender issues, sustainable urban development, and economic growth in Southeast Asian countries by design to achieve SDGs.
In addition, Tokyo remains as the shortlisted host city of World Design Assembly in 2023. In the capital city of Japan, a country with advanced issues, we would like to think together about what industrial design should aim for in the new era, after the world with an unprecedented crisis of coronavirus pandemic. I am quite confident this would be a good path to World Exposition Osaka in 2025 with the theme “Designing Future Society for Our Lives”.
Joined Japan Institute of Design Promotion in 2010 with 20 years’ buyer experience at a Japanese retailer and was assigned as the International Manger. Developed cooperative relationships in the design promotion field with various countries through the Good Design Award, Japanese comprehensive design award scheme.
Was elected as 2019-2021 Board Member of WDO and actively participated in the online projects even during COVID-19 years. Reconnected Japanese WDO Members through the events and reinforced the domestic communication. Since 2020, was promoted as the Director of JDP and manage all design promotion projects both domestically and internationally.