2019-2021 WDO Board Member


Anne Asensio
Dassault Systèmes
Corporate Member

Industry has taken over our choices and our lives, having definitely moved from the economical arena to the political. I believe Design and WDO should operate at its heart, in order to strike where it’s most needed, and ensure maximum impact.

I will join the Board ready to share my 30 years of experience in high-level design management in multinational corporations, design labs focused on new technologies, non-governmental and public institutions, start-ups incubation and acceleration, bringing insightful understanding of the reinvention the industry requires.

Deeply engaged as an enabler and catalyst

of new thinking for transformation of our industrial and living practices by design, I am an active member of several design institutions in the US and Europe, as well as academic, business administration and strategic boards, where I aim to secure future strategic roadmaps and alternative models.

As a curator of thought-leadership events in design and innovation, passionately involved in research in new design practices, I propose to realize speculative demonstrators leveraging design capacities, aligned with the best technologies. My focus as Board member would be to question and highlight Design’s impact to society, and make Design’s contribution visible — its impacts on nature, the world and our kind — thus fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals promise.


German (notions)


DSAA in Industrial Design,
Ecole Nationale Supérieures des Arts Appliqués
(ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres), Paris

Master of Arts, Transportation Design,
College for Creative Studies, Detroit


Anne Asensio is a designer. She held executive roles in design management and innovation strategy at Renault, General Motors, and
Dassault Systèmes, leading complex multibrand design programs. Anne has won several design and innovation awards and plays an active role in strategic boards for companies and design schools worldwide.


Anne Asensio is Vice President of Design Experience at Dassault Systèmes. She founded the DESIGNStudio, a multidisciplinary team in innovation strategy by design, design research, design management. We deliver Design excellence strategy to support Dassault Systèmes’ vision, equity and purpose.

Our mission is to reveal the full potential of Design to clients and citizens through Upstream Thinking, design methodologies and meaningful innovation projects impacting life and environment in a sustainable and preferable way.