2019-2021 WDO Board Member

Chi-Yi Chang
Taiwan Design Research Institute
Promotional Member

When I was a Deputy County Governor in my hometown Taitung, I drafted the law “Autonomous Management Ordinance for Taitung County-Owned Property” that provides guidelines for implementing aesthetics in local development, and also organized the first annual Taiwan International Balloon Festival, which now attracts millions of visitors every year to Taitung, a city listed as one of the 10 new emerging tourist cities in 2018.

TDC co-organized the 2011 IDA Congress with the WDO and has worked closely with the WDO since winning the bid for World Design Capital Taipei 2016. Nevertheless, TDC is undergoing a transformation to

become the “Design Research Institute (DRI)”, which will focus research in three strategic areas: “design for public sector innovation”, “design innovation for industries”, and “design innovation for social benefit”.

The UN’s 17 SDGs cover everything from eliminating poverty to forging partnerships to realize the goals, and worldwide collaboration is the key that will ensure success. And collaboration means cross-disciplinary integration in which design intrinsically plays a pivotal role. My diverse background as an architect, educator, aesthetic education promoter, and policy maker has given me the skills to serve as such an integrator between the many stakeholders involved. Moreover, contributing to the solutions economy is a part of this, which is why the DRI has been established to foster government collaboration and be a factor in achieving UN’s SDGs.

I am looking forward to work with WDO and design partners for more projects in the future and making positive impacts for our design community, thank you for your support.




Master of Design, Graduate School of Design,
Harvard University, 1994

Master of Architecture,
Ohio State University, 1992

Bachelor of Architecture,
Tamkang University, 1987


Chairman, Taiwan Design Center
Dean, General Affairs, National Chiao Tung University
Professor, Graduate Institute of Architecture, Chiao Tung University
Vice Chairman, Xue Xue Foundation
Convener, Guideline of Art of 12-year Basic Education, National Academy for Educational Research
Deputy Governor of Taitung County, Taiwan, 2011-2014


Chairman, Taiwan Design Center, 2018-Now
Dean, General Affairs, National Chiao Tung University, 2016-Now
Professor, Graduate Institute of Architecture, Chiao Tung University, 2011-Now
Vice Chairman, Xue Xue Foundation, 2015-Now
Convener, Guideline of Art of 12-year Basic Education, National Academy for Educational Research, 2014-Now