Montreal (Canada) – Preparations for the XXVII Icsid General Assembly have been finalised and the agenda and logistics information was circulated to all members last month. Members who have not yet downloaded the agenda package for the meeting are advised to log in to the members’ area of the website to access the documents in advance of the event. To access the members’ area visit or contact for assistance.

In September, the secretariat also circulated to the membership the following advance slate of nominees running for election for the 2011-2013 Executive Board:

For president-elect

  • Brandon Gien (Australia)

For board members

  • Michelle Berryman (United States)
  • Dongliang Chen (China)
  • Vivian Cheng (Hong Kong)
  • Alpay Er (Turkey)
  • Renke He (China)
  • Cathy Huang (China)
  • Tapani Hyvonen (Finland)
  • Mikko Kalhama (Finland)
  • Oliver Lin (Taiwan (Chinese Taipei))
  • Mugendi M’Rithaa (South Africa)
  • Geetha Narayanan (India)
  • Kohei Nishiyama (Japan)
  • Pierre-Yves Panis (France)

The election will take place on 27 October as part of the general assembly agenda and the new board will be announced on 28 October. Prior to the election on day one, however, the chairperson will invite delegates present to add further nominees to the slate before the vote. In order to be eligible to be added to the slate from the floor at the general assembly, individuals must

  • be nominated by a council member in good standing with Icsid
  • represent a council member in good standing with Icsid
  • be present at the general assembly
  • confirm willingness to stand
  • be approved for addition to the slate by a two-thirds majority vote

Please note that the Icsid Secretariat will temporarily relocate to Taipei, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei), for the last two weeks in October. The team will still be accessible by email during this relocation period except on 27-28 October, when the XXVII General Assembly is in session.

About the general assembly

The general assembly convenes biennially in conjunction with the IDA Congress, bringing together Icsid’s leadership, membership and external stakeholders to discuss the progress of the closing two-year term and prepare for the incoming term’s activities. More information on this event is available at If you are interested in learning more about the XXVII General Assembly, please do not hesitate to contact the secretariat at