Montreal (Canada) – The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) announced today the results of the biennial elections for the new Executive Board, following the General Assembly held in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 29-30, 2005. Eleven prominent design ambassadors from around the world were appointed to the new Board for the 2005-2007 term; President Professor Dr. Peter Zec (Germany), President-Elect Carlos Hinrichsen (Chile), Treasurer Robin Edman (Sweden), Mark Breitenberg (USA), Tony Chang (Taiwan, China), Lorraine Justice (Hong Kong, China), Dr. Darlie O Koshy (India), Giuliano Molineri (Italy), Jae-jin Shim (Korea), Judit Varhelyi (Hungary) and Adrienne Viljoen (South Africa).

Communication expert Dr. Peter Zec is the first Icsid President from Germany. Since 1991 Dr. Zec has been head of the internationally renowned Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen. During which time, he has acquired profound knowledge on the history and the economic relevance of design, has published books and reference works on design and has accepted invitations to hold lectures all around the world.

The new President delivered an optimistic and upbeat inaugural address to the design leaders present at the Icsid XXIV General Assembly. “Global solidarity and Design for a better quality of life in the world” is the motto by which Dr. Zec intends to lead with during his two-year term. He stated that global solidarity for Icsid is among the major issues for the organization as the industry continues to move forward.

Icsid aims to increase activities within its own membership pillars by promoting targeted regional meetings, workshops and seminars on the topic of “Design for a better quality of life” and “Redefining the role of design in our post-industrial creative age”. Icsid also intends to advocate improved intellectual property rights and share its findings with developing regions.

Design education will continue to be an important mandate for development of the organization. Icsid is pleased to be the initiator of the only international Global Education Network – a forum where design schools can interact with designers and corporations, thus promoting “design around the world” and advancing design through the exchange of ideas, and the dissemination of information. Icsid intends to establish regional and international education conferences and utilize its resources to extend its reach to include an even greater number of institutions and corporations. Although a challenge, Dr. Zec is committed to extending the Education Network to the Arabian world where the programs for industrial design education are currently limited.

Already a respected INGO, Icsid intends to promote its status to gain greater visibility by meeting with world leaders and participating in major INGO forums.

Over the course of the two-day General Assembly approximately 100 delegates from 42 countries gathered in Copenhagen representing design leaders from around the world and across economic sectors.

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About Icsid
The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) was created in 1957 by a group of international organizations committed to industrial design. Today, Icsid counts 165 members in 53 countries, representing more than 150 000 designers. Icsid members are professional associations, promotional societies, educational institutions, government bodies, corporations and institutions — which aim to contribute to the development of the profession of industrial design.

Icsid supports and highlights design as a valuable tool to serve key issues discussed in international forums. This requires collaboration with individuals, governments, NGO’s, companies and organizations, in order to guarantee and strengthen the presence of design at all level. Icsid holds consultative status with UNESCO, UNIDO, ISO and WIPO.

About the IDA
In a major step for the global design community, Icograda and Icsid have committed themselves to forming “the collective voice” for all disciplines of design through the creation of International Design Alliance (IDA). The IDA will be positioned as the design advocate working with international organizations, governments and industry.

For more information, please contact:

Dilki de Silva
Secretary General
t: +1 514 448 4949 ext. 227

Andrea Springer
Communications Manager
t: +1 514 448 4949 ext. 232