Montreal (Canada) – The International Design Alliance (IDA) has opened the call for interest for the fourth biennial IDA Congress to be held in 2017.

A strategic venture between the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid), the International Council of Communication Design (Icograda) and the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI), the IDA is committed to developing a congress that aims to advance its vision and mission to encourage the design community to work towards a world that is balanced, inclusive and sustainable. Member organisations of Icsid, Icograda and IFI are eligible to submit a bid for consideration. Proposed themes should address cross-disciplinary and discipline-specific content, which will result in an enhanced awareness of the value of design for the good of all.

The deadline for proposal submissions is 19 June 2013.

The IDA Congress is the primary event for dialogue between designers and non-designer stakeholders. The aim of the IDA Congress is to bring together the unified voice of designers around the world in a themed framework to bring the benefits of design to governments, INGOs, business and society.

The IDA’s primary objectives for the Congress are to promote the value of design-based collaboration between the IDA disciplines (industrial design, communication design and interior architecture/design), to highlight their similarities as well as their unique attributes; to emphasise the value of design-based collaborations with other fields that have a stake in design; to provide an engaging and educational experience for the memberships of the IDA and the global congress audience; to promote interaction among the memberships of the IDA and stakeholders of the congress; to position the IDA as the global voice of design and an enabler of innovation; to platform the host city, country and region for their commitment and contribution to design globally; and to attract and influence government action to the importance of design.

The benefits of hosting an IDA Congress include profile building events that attract the leaders in global design, global media coverage, lucrative sponsor relationship building, investment in the host local area and a long-lasting relationship with the networks of the IDA Partner organisations.

The IDA Partners have appointed Icsid as Lead Liaison to work with the host organisation under the direction of the IDA Executive Committee for: bidding process management, congress programme planning, event operational planning and project management and communications.

Information on the attendee demographics from the 2011 IDA Congress Taipei is available for download.

For further information regarding the bid process, the IDA or the IDA Congress, and for all submissions, please contact:

Ms. Allison DaCosta
Icsid Project Manager for the IDA Congress
t: +1 514 448 4949 ext: 235.

About the International Design Alliance (IDA) and its partners

Established in 2003, by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) and the International Council of Communication Design (Icograda), the International Design Alliance (IDA) is a strategic venture between the international organisations representing design. The IDA serves as the collective voice for all disciplines, advocating the mutual interest of all design professions. In September 2008, the IDA welcomed the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI) to the alliance as the third partner.
The IDA Partners have previously held individual biennial congresses and together they organised a ‘Joint Congress’ every six years, including the following locations: 1981 – Helsinki (Finland), 1987 – Amsterdam (the Netherlands), 1993 – Glasgow (Scotland), 1999 – Sydney (Australia), 2005 – Copenhagen (Denmark). In 2011, the ‘IDA Congress’ replaced the individual biennial and joint congresses. The new model was launched in Taipei [Taiwan, (Chinese Taipei)].

The inaugural IDA Congress was held in Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) in 2011 and set a new standard for international design collaboration events. In November 2013, Istanbul Technical University will host the event in Istanbul (Turkey). In October 2015, the third IDA Congress will be hosted by the Korea Craft and Design Foundation and the Gwangju Metropolitan City and will take place in Gwangju (South Korea).