Montreal (Canada)– The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) is proud to announce that the City of Montreal, Canada has proclaimed 29 June as World Industrial Design Day; the first city worldwide to officially commemorate World Industrial Design Day in acknowledgment of the importance of industrial design to its social and economic development.

Celebrated by designers and non-designers alike, World Industrial Design Day is held internationally on 29 June with the aim of encouraging inter-disciplinary collaborations, spreading an understanding of the design industry and exploring ways in which responsible design can improve quality of life. In Montreal, a designer roundtable was held in 2008 in conjunction with Icsid Corporate Innovator (ICI) member Tupperware Corporation gathering members of the international industrial design community and distinguished representatives of the Montreal community.

“This proclamation supports Montreal’s commitment to the five strategic directions outlined in the Montreal 2025 plan: knowledge, creativity and innovation; culture; living environment; infrastructure; and openness to the world,” stated Helen Fotopulos, Montreal Executive Committee Member responsible for Culture, Heritage, Design and the Status of Women. “By proclaiming June 29th as World Industrial Design Day, we help drive the city’s design development initiatives and take humble steps towards making Montreal more hospitable to its citizens.”

“We are overjoyed that the City of Montreal has joined Icsid in this campaign to share the benefits industrial design can offer to quality of life throughout the world,” stated Dr. Mark Breitenberg, Icsid President. “We hope that other design-focused metropolises will take Montreal’s lead in a manner that will enable this international day of observance to grow, educate and create tangible change.”

Icsid held its 2nd annual World Industrial Design Day student poster competition, garnering submissions from students on over three continents all of who were vying to have their design officially represent this year’s theme, “Industrial Design: Humane solutions for a resilient world”. The winning poster, designed by University of Zagreb students Bojan Kristofic and Ivan Orin Vrkas, was selected through public online voting. Their poster centres on the tagline “Don’t throw anything away, there is no away”, promoting the use of sustainability in industrial design.

City of Montreal Executive Committee Member Helen Fotopulos will present the proclamation on the 29 June at the Terrasses Bonsecours in Montreal in the presence of the Icsid Secretary General Dilki de Silva, together with Icsid Members and friends. The event is being held in celebration of World Industrial Design Day and is hosted by the Association de Designers Industriels du Québec (ADIQ), Mission Design and the City of Montreal.

Other events in honour of World Industrial Design Day are being held throughout the world. For more information please visit

For more information, please contact:
Rafael Mayor-Mora
Icsid Communications Manager
t: + 1 514 448 4949 ext. 223

Stéphanie Jecrois
Chargée de projets | Design Montréal | Ville de Montréal
Design Montréal
t: +1 514 872 5388

About World Industrial Design Day (29 June)

World Industrial Design Day (WIDD) is observed annually on 29 June in recognition of the profession of industrial design. First declared in 2007 on the occasion of Icsid’s 50th anniversary, WIDD has been established with the aim of promoting awareness of the profession of industrial design, highlighting the contribution designers and academics have made to the discipline and facilitating collaborations that help improve economic, social, cultural and environmental quality of life throughout the world.

Through a series of international events on 29 June, initiated by Icsid Members and non-members alike, World Industrial Design Day provides designers and like-minded design enthusiasts from a wide spectrum of professions with a channel to engage with one another. Events such as sustainability workshops, exhibitions, international symposiums on socially responsible design, webcasts, free admission to museums and Icsid’s international student poster competition are but a few of the commemorative activities that World Industrial Design Day has inspired throughout the world.

About the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid)

The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) is a non-profit organisation that protects and promotes the interests of the profession of industrial design. Founded in 1957, Icsid serves as a unified voice of over 50 nations through which members can express their views and be heard on an international platform. Since its inception, Icsid has continued to develop its wide-reaching network of students and professionals devoted to the recognition, success and growth of the industrial design community. Together, professional associations, promotional societies, educational institutions, government bodies and corporations create a comprehensive and diverse system on the forefront of
industrial design education and progress.

About Design Montreal

The Design Montréal office was created in January 2006 by the Ville de Montréal. Its mission is to implement the municipal action plan aimed at improving design throughout the city and positioning Montréal as a city of design.