Montreal (Canada) – The latest Icsid Executive Board meeting took place in Budapest, Hungary, from 16-17 May 2009.
Dr. Miklos Bendzsel, Chairman of the Hungarian Design Council and President of the Hungarian Patent Office, personally welcomed the Icsid Executive Board to Hungary. The Hungarian Design Council was instrumental in bringing the board back to central Europe. Lead by Icsid Board Member Judit Várhelyi, the host organised an interesting and interactive programme for the visit, incorporating the opportunity to meet with local design students, experience Hungarian design, and connect with regional Icsid Members.
During the meeting, Icsid President Prof. Carlos Hinrichsen highlighted the significant contribution Hungary had made to Icsid in the past through membership and representation on the board. Central Europe has been consistently active within Icsid since the 1960s, with some of Icsid’s longest-standing members hailing from the region. Since the 1970s, twelve Icsid Interdesign projects have taken place in central and eastern Europe, demonstrating a valuable contribution to the international industrial design community. In November 2008, the regional network of Icsid Members collaborated on the Design Casa exhibition – part of the World Design Capital 2008 events in Torino, Italy. The exhibit was curated by Judit Várhelyi and represented design from Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia.
Local Icsid Member Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design invited Icsid President-Elect Mark Breitenberg and board member Martin Darbyshire to visit the campus and speak to an audience of local students, professionals and general public. Mark Breitenberg (California College of the Arts) talked to the group on three different kinds of educational partnerships – Profession, Community, and Academy – that are critically important to design education today. Martin Darbyshire (Tangerine) explored the different approaches to creating meaning through both innovation and design, supported by case studies from his experience as a professional industrial designer.
The jury of the World Industrial Design Day student poster competition – comprising several Icsid Board Members – convened during the trip to judge the winner of the 42 entries to the competition. The winning entry came from Instituto Profesional DuocUC de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; however, notable mentions were awarded to two local students from University of West Hungary.
The following Icsid Members were invited to join the board meeting to discuss their regional priorities:
- Association of Industrial Designers in Poland – SPFP (Poland)
- Biennial of Industrial Design – BIO (Slovenia)
- Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (Hungary)
- Russian Research Institute for Industrial Design – VNIITE (Russia)
- University of West Hungary / Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists (Hungary)
During the course of the board meeting, the Icsid Executive Board approved the provisional associate membership of Welingkar Institute of Management (Mumbai, India). For further information on this new member, please visit their online member profile.
The executive summary minutes of this meeting will be available for download in the resources section of the members’ area of the website in the coming weeks.
For more information on hosting an Icsid Executive Board Meeting in your region, please contact:
Icsid Secretariat
t: +1 514 448 4949
f: +1 514 448 4948