Montreal (Canada) – Thousands celebrated World Industrial Design Day (WIDD) on 29 June 2016, under the theme Youth in Design.

Events were organized by Icsid members and the wider design community in more than 20 countries around the world, including World Design Capital cities, Taipei, Mexico City, and Seoul. People everywhere also took to social media to show support for the profession of industrial design and particularly young designers, the hashtag #WIDD2016 reaching well over a million users on Twitter.

With feedback from youth around the world, we created a video for WIDD highlighting their thoughts on the importance of design and how they will be designing a better world.

Several cities also celebrated the day officially. Ottawa, Canada, and Montreal, Canada,  all proclaimed the day, while Calgary, Canada issued a letter of recognition.

The Icsid secretariat celebrated at an event held at Icsid member BRP’s new design centre in Montreal. ADIQ announced the winners of its pan-Canadian student competition, and we unveiled our new website and brand identity as the World Design Organization.

About the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design

The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) is an international non-governmental organization (INGO) founded in 1957 that promotes the profession of industrial design. Icsid recently approved a name change, World Design Organization, to be implemented and celebrated in 2017, its 60th anniversary year. Icsid advocates industrial design-driven innovation that creates a better world, engaging our more than 140 member organizations in collaborative efforts and carrying out international programming—World Design Capital®, World Design Talks, World Design Impact Prize, World Industrial Design Day, and Interdesign. Icsid has United Nations Special Consultative Status.

About World Industrial Design Day

World Industrial Design Day (WIDD) is observed annually on 29 June in recognition of the profession of industrial design. First declared in 2007 on the occasion of Icsid’s 50th anniversary, WIDD was established with the aim of promoting awareness of the profession of industrial design and facilitating collaborations that help to highlight the impact of industrial design on economic, social, cultural and environmental quality of life throughout the world.

For more information, please contact:

Ms. Augie Van Biljouw
Director of Communications
t: 1 514 448 4949 ext 238

Ms. Gemma Peralta
Special Events Officer
t: 1 514 448 4949 ext 223