Montreal (Canada) – The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) is pleased to announce the winner of the 2nd annual student poster competition for World Industrial Design Day. Ivan Orin Vrkas and Bojan Kristofic, students from the University of Zagreb in Croatia, submitted the winning entry for this year’s competition and will have their poster officially represent World Industrial Design Day 2010.
After over a thousand votes were cast during a 16-day period of public online voting, the poster created by Vrkas and Kristofic emerged as the public’s favourite design. “An incredible amount of thought, creativity and work has gone into the design of this poster,” stated Brandon Gien, Jury Chair, Icsid Board Member and Executive Director of the Australian International Design Awards. “The end result captures the brief perfectly and is a timely reminder that design is integrally linked to everything around us. As consumers and end users of design, this poster provokes us to be more aware of the entire product life cycle and is a great statement for responsible design.”
Held in celebration of World Industrial Design Day on 29 June, the competition invited students from Icsid member schools to submit posters interpreting this year’s theme “Industrial Design: Humane solutions for a resilient world”. From the 44 entries, the Icsid Jury selected five posters for the public online voting round of the competition based on their unique interpretation of this year’s theme, outstanding creativity and artistic merit.
The finalists were:
- Anine Kirsten (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
- Ivan Orin Vrkas & Bojan Kristofic (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
- Craig van de Ruit (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)
- Oliver Csepella (University of West Hungary, Hungary)
- Roland Bihon (University of West Hungary, Hungary)
All of the shortlisted posters are available for viewing on the Icsid Website at
A high-resolution version of the winning poster is available for download and may be printed and circulated for use in all World Industrial Design Day 2010 initiatives internationally and will be featured in the June edition of the Icsid Newsletter.
Being the 3rd poster to represent World Industrial Design Day, Vrkas and Kristofic are preceded by the 2009 winner Carla Saipain (Instituto Profesional DuocUC de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) and renowned German designer Uwe Loesch, who dedicated the inaugural World Industrial Design Day poster to Icsid in 2008.
The introduction of public online voting for this year’s competition has advanced the Icsid Executive Board’s objective to continually develop the competition on an annual basis and increase the awareness of World Industrial Design Day internationally. “By having the voting open to the public, we are connecting with the international design community in a whole new way,” stated Icsid President Dr. Mark Breitenberg. “This competition gives us the opportunity to engage and showcase the talent of the younger generation by giving them the chance at international recognition, and also moves Icsid further towards its objective of being an organisation that is as open and inclusive as possible.”
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Rafael Mayor-Mora
Icsid Communications Manager
t: +1-514-448-4949 ext. 223
Uwe Loesch poster 2008
student poster winner 2009
About World Industrial Design Day (29 June)
World Industrial Design Day (WIDD) is observed annually on 29 June in recognition of the profession of industrial design. First declared in 2007 on the occasion of Icsid’s 50th anniversary, WIDD has been established with the aim of promoting awareness of the profession of industrial design, highlighting the contribution designers and academics have made to the discipline and facilitating collaborations that help improve economic, social, cultural and environmental quality of life throughout the world.
Through a series of international events on 29 June, initiated by Icsid Members and non-members alike, World Industrial Design Day provides designers and like-minded design enthusiasts from a wide spectrum of professions with a channel to engage with one another. Events such as sustainability workshops, exhibitions, international symposiums on socially responsible design, webcasts, free admission to museums and Icsid’s international student poster competition are but a few of the commemorative activities that World Industrial Design Day has inspired throughout the world.
About the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid)
The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) is a non-profit organisation that protects and promotes the interests of the profession of industrial design. Founded in 1957, Icsid serves as a unified voice of over 50 nations through which members can express their views and be heard on an international platform. Since its inception, Icsid has continued to develop its wide-reaching network of students and professionals devoted to the recognition, success and growth of the industrial design community. Together, professional associations, promotional societies, educational institutions, government bodies and corporations create a comprehensive and diverse system on the forefront of industrial design education and progress.