Montreal (Canada) – The World Design Organization (WDO) today launched its bid process to find a host for the World Design Assembly™ in 2019. WDO is keen to receive proposals from bidding organizations interested in bringing the international design community to their city for one of WDO’s biggest events and in potentially aligning the Assembly with a local design event.

On a biennial basis, WDO convenes its general assembly with approximately 150 participants from more 40 countries as represented by WDO members and leadership, other INGOs, and key stakeholders. It is a two-day event with decision-making on key issues affecting the future of the industry; planning for initiatives such as World Design Capital® and World Design Talks™; sparking dialogue that helps provide solutions to some of society’s biggest problems; and informing the World Design Agenda™ that sets out WDO’s commitment to global sustainable development.

As expressed by WDO President, Ms. Luisa Bocchietto, “It is our desire to encourage bids from organizations that share our commitment to demonstrate the impact of design on the accomplishment of strategic objectives, such as the ones set out by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. We’re also open to receiving proposals from design event organizers that see the value in holding our Assembly in connection to their main event. We recently piloted this model in partnership with the City of Torino (Italy). Through the promotional reach of our international network, we supported the City’s development of a week of design events. We know that there are many events around the globe that are already addressing design as a catalyst of change towards overcoming some of our world’s most pressing issues. We hope to identify and leverage these existing opportunities and cultivate alliances that will enable us all to make a real difference in the world.”

Interested parties may download the guide to the bid process and supplementary documents from There are two submission deadlines: 1) to submit an expression of interest by 4 January 2018 and 2) to submit a complete proposal by 7 February 2018. The selection and announcement of the designated host is scheduled for end of April 2018.

For more information, please contact:
Ms. Allison DaCosta, Operations Manager
t: +1 514 448 4949 ext. 235