Interdesign Germany 1993

Toys for children’s rehabilitation

In collaboration with ICSID, the German Commission for UNESCO, Humboldt University of Berlin and the Land of Brandenburg Ministry for Labor, Social Welfare, Health and Women, the association of Fördern durch Spielmittel – Spielzeung fur behinderte Kinder organized the second Interdesign exploring the theme ‘Toys for the rehabilitation of children’ from 4 – 16 September 1993 in Potsdam, near Berlin.

This Interdesign on the topic aimed to benefit and continue the experience of interdisciplinary and international cooperation for further ideas and designs of toys and learning aids. It was not limited to individual toys but aimed to also include the design of rooms, furniture and equipment. The event took place in the Oberlinhaus in Porsdam-Babelsberg, a centre for special needs that included classes, craft workshops and other facilities for the rehabilitation of disabled children and adults. 

Outcomes included over 30 toy concepts, which were specifically designed to meet the needs of the Oberlinhaus community and contribute to raising public awareness of social issues. The drawings created by the Interdesign participants were later converted into instructions for the production of toys based on simple technologies, to be handed over to UNESCO and its Member States.