Call for Abstracts

Humanizing Design

Under the banner of ‘Humanizing Design’ the 2019 WDO Research and Education Forum is a one-day event that aims to share perspectives and explore trends that better prepare young design professionals for new challenges and opportunities.

We are truly excited to invite the participation of academics and industry leaders, in thought provoking dialogue around new education programmes and areas of research, and new practices that focus on more human-centered approaches to designing for a better world. The aim is also to create bridges between these worlds in the belief that together we can further enhance the future of design research and education.

The Forum will address the following three themes:

  1. Integration of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) in International Design Curricula
  2. Future of Design Education and Research in Emerging Economies
  3. Human Approach to Digital Media

View full description of themes

The submission period is now closed. Thank you for your interest in the Research and Education Forum. The notice of acceptance will be issued during the week of 12 August 2019.

Extended Abstract Guidelines

Key dates and deadlines

  • 28 June 2019: Submission deadline for abstracts
  • Week of 12 August 2019: Notice of acceptance (new dates)
  • 6 September: Submission of final papers / posters (new dates)

Submission Review

All submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed by conference chairs and revisers. Selected candidates will be contacted and will receive further instruction.