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James Archer
Planning Systems Services Ltd
James Archer and Mumo Musuva
Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya
...XYZ Design (Pty) Ltd
The Community Cooker is a simple machine and can be built anywhere. The cooker itself is made of welded steel with eight circular hot-plates for cooking located on the top of the stove. The cooking pots are partially submerged into the hot-plates in order to minimize heat loss from the combustion chamber, while increasing cooking speed. The cooker has two ovens for baking located underneath the hot-plates. In the centre of the cooker there is a chimney which carries the smoke from the combustion chamber to the chimneys outlet high above the neighbourhood’s roofline. Because the stove burns rubbish at over 800 degrees Celsius, it achieves complete combustion, producing smoke that is white in colour and almost odourless. At the bottom of the stove there is a wide metal chute that allows rubbish to be pushed from the trash storage racks into the combustion chamber of the stove. The rubbish is manually fed by the stove operator, according to the number of hot plates being utilized and the level of heat required for cooking a given dish. The Community Cooker is designed with locally available materials so that repairs, maintenance and operation can easily be carried out by member of the local community.