We asked our global community of design leaders to share one habit that has shaped their professional design journey for the better.

Question everything
Why does this exist, how can it be improved, what matters most in use. This mindset ensures I don’t settle for the obvious but instead look for opportunities to simplify and innovate, always aiming to design products and experiences that stand the test of time.
Benjamin Wilson
Director of Design & Technology Communications, Braun
Move your body
Early morning yoga with my team makes us conscious and responsible towards the fresh possibilities every day. With energized minds and bodies that are flexible, adaptive and resilient, we imagine and shape ideas that spread far.
Sonia Manchanda
Founding Partner, Spread Design and Innovation

Make time for art
Visiting design-related museums or art galleries constantly allows me to witness and enjoy the world’s innovations.
Oliver Lin
Vice President, Taiwan Design Research Institute (TDRI)
Reaching mindfulness everyday through a meditating tool named HeartMath helps me integrate mind (reason) and heart (emotion) in order to create deep connections with both my projects and my audience.
Laura Figueroa
President, Coldi MX

Embrace your hobbies
Playing music on my saxophone allows me to enhance my own well-being so I can create harmonious, sustainable and timeless design experiences that support the well-being of others.
Jesús Llinares
CEO, Andreu World