“Young people are the future. It is important to include the youth in problem-solving so that we can work together to positively impact the wellbeing of our people, the future of our land and the thriving of our economy.”
– Rhema, 16, Malawi
Africa has the youngest population in the world, with the number of youth under the age of 18 expected to reach one billion by 2050. Faced with school closures and job losses, youth in Africa have been hit hard by the pandemic and they worry about their future.
In Malawi, only about 35 percent of the population completes primary education and moves on to secondary school. With 49 percent of its population aged 18 or younger, Burundi has one of the world’s youngest, poorest and most rural-based populations in the world. In Nigeria, the unemployment rate for youth aged 15 to 24 is 53.4 percent.