On December 3, the National Center for Industrial Design and Innovation 2050.LAB summed up the results of the all-Russian Contest for Generative Design. The winner is Konstantin Fetisov, a postgraduate student at the Perm National Research Polytechnic University, a leading specialist in CAE / CAD software products. He received the main prize – 150 000 rubles, as well as the opportunity to cooperate with TMH, the largest manufacturer of railway transport in Russia and the CIS and general partner of the contest.

The awards ceremony took place on the World Day of Computer Graphics and 3D Designers. The stream of the event is available on 2050.LAB’s youtube channel.

“Generative design – a fundamentally new approach to design – appeared only a few years ago, but is already being applied in various fields. The demand for the technology is growing every year. Whereas originally the initiatives of software manufacturers were focused on manufacturing industries, these solutions are now extending to the areas of architecture, design and construction.  This means that the generative design contest organized by 2050.LAB is an initiative relevant for the whole community,” said Daria Topilskaya, CEO of 2050.LAB.

The all-Russian Generative Design Contest lasted for five months.  It started in July 2020. Back then more than 200 people have registered for the competition – these are participants of different ages who live not only in Russian megacities, but also in small towns and villages. For all the participants 2050.LAB launched a large-scale educational program – a series of lectures and webinars on generative design technology.

Only four applicants made it to the final of the All-Russian Generative Design Contest: Konstantin Fetisov (Perm), Eduard Tyan (Moscow), Nikita Trofimenko (Samara) and Pyotr Voronkin (St. Petersburg).  Authoritative jury determined the winner after finalists had completed the second task – creating a prototype of a passenger seat support for an electric train using Generative design technology.

“Any competition and any kind of work is, above all, about people. Therefore, I am very happy when I see new names and creative solutions. I am pleased to see how new stars light up in the spere of design and engineering.  This means that there are more of us.  And we will create more beautiful, comfortable things that will make the world a little better”, noted Evgeny Maslov, chief designer of TMH.

The winner of the competition is Konstantin Fetisov, who completed the task with the highest quality. He took into account all the load requirements and design nuances.  The jury also noted the high level of Eduard Tyan’s work – he was awarded commemorative diplomas from 2050.LAB and Autodesk.

Nikita Trofimenko and Petr Voronkin received diplomas of the participants.  All finalists were included in the TMH talent pool. In addition, they received prizes from partners.

Within the framework of the event, a round table was held on the topic “Designing the future: the role of digital technologies in design, industry and education.”  Fusion 360 expert Pavel Medvedev spoke about the advantages of the software and gave practical examples of its application. TMH chief designer Evgeny Maslov dwelled on the opportunities offered by the use of the advanced software for industrial enterprises.  And Alexey Sharshakov, chief designer of 2050.LAB, demonstrated that digital technologies are not competitors, but faithful assistants of designers.  Mikhail Filonov, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, NUST MISIS, highlighted the topic of changes in education associated with the emergence of modern software.  In addition, he spoke about scientific developments that will improve the quality of 3D printing and contribute to the wider application of this technology.

The annual all-Russian Generative Design Contest is organized by the National Center for Industrial Design and Innovation 2050.LAB, with the support of the TMH (the largest manufacturer of railway transport in Russia and the CIS) and Autodesk.

The key objectives of the competition are to identify and encourage innovative design solutions in the field of transport engineering, accumulate ideas for application in mass production of equipment for rail transport and form a personnel reserve.

Strategic partners – Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, NUST MISIS, Union of Designers of Russia, Russian Design Council.

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