Educational institution: Université de Montréal (Canada)
Programme: Master of Industrial Design, Ecodesign and Pedagogy
Year of graduation: 2009
What made you decide to become an industrial designer?
I am first and foremost passionate about design in all its forms, whether it be Art with a capital “A”, architecture, sustainable products, packaging, etc. When I chose to study industrial design, I was looking for a balance between pure creativity and finding solutions to people’s needs. In my opinion, design allows for the proposal of relevant and creative solutions to individual and group needs.
In your opinion, what types of people are best suited for the profession of industrial design? What is a typical industrial designer like?
I think that to be a good designer you need a creative mind that allows you to push ideas beyond what is considered possible, a sensitivity to your surroundings, and a critical mind that can wrestle with the complex issues facing society.
Where did you study industrial design and what was the most important thing you learned?
I studied at Université de Montréal’s Design School. What I retain most from my studies in industrial design is the ability to constantly face challenges, questioning assumptions, adopting a resilient attitude, which allows updates to the creative process, improving it over time.
What do you believe are the major obstacles or challenges for young industrial designers today from a professional standpoint? Are there additional challenges for women in the profession?
I think that one of the challenges in industrial design is to properly understand and analyse today’s complex issues in order to propose adequate solutions: industrial design is a profession that requires transferable skills, and solutions to issues like poverty, an ageing population, and climate change do not necessarily lead to the creation of a “product”. The industrial designer must also be aware of his environmental, social, and economic footprint when he works to create an innovative product, process, technology or service.
Tell us about the projects you are working on now.
I am Ecodesign Adviser in the field of residual materials management, more specifically as it pertains to the recycling of packaging. I work with businesses as they adopt ecodesign practices, from establishing general goals to communicating the end results. To find out more, you can visit, a website dedicated to ecodesign of packaging.