Montreal (Canada) – The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) has announced Redefine Design as the theme for World Industrial Design Day and launched, an online hub where the international design community can converse and contribute to a new definition of industrial design between now and 29 June 2015. With the emergence of the information and knowledge economy and a heightened awareness of how our actions impact the global system, industrial design today is as much about interdisciplinary thinking, co-creation, and user experience as it is about the tangible product.

“Crafting a new definition for industrial design has been an objective of the Icsid Board for some time. We have witnessed important changes that have inspired a new kind of industrial design practice to emerge within recent decades and yet still refer to a definition from 1969,” said Icsid President Dr. Brandon Gien. “This is an important initiative that should energise the global design community and by launching, each and every unique perspective and voice can participate as we take stock of what industrial design is today and what the profession will look like moving forward.”

The theme Redefine Design was informed and builds on World Industrial Design Day themes that Icsid has promoted in the past, especially “What is industrial design?”  in 2012 and Renew ID in 2014. Redefine Design pushes the discourse a step further, providing industrial designers with the opportunity to directly inform a new definition via social media and Contributions to this online campaign can be made using the hashtag #renewID on Twitter, or directly on The comments, photos, research and definitions submitted will be assessed by Icsid’s Professional Practice Committee who, on 29 June, will release a new definition of industrial design that mirrors the responsibilities and activities that occupy industrial designers today. This momentous occasion is long overdue and will hopefully sustain the industry for decades to come.

Beyond participating directly in the online redefine design conversation, designers from around the globe are also encouraged to celebrate this international day of observance on Monday, 29 June though conferences, networking events and exhibitions. Activities should revolve around how design has changed and where the profession is headed. These in-person activities are important contributions to the dialogue around the renewal of the industry and help spread awareness for the industrial design profession and its essential contribution to our everyday lives. In preparation for this international day of observance, download the “Ways to Celebrate” guides to help generate ideas. If you’re planning an activity, contact so that it can be included on the website and share your photos on Facebook during your celebration.

About World Industrial Design Day

World Industrial Design Day is observed annually on 29 June in recognition of the profession of industrial design. First declared in 2007 on the occasion of Icsid’s 50th anniversary, World Industrial Design Day has been established with the aim of promoting awareness of the profession of industrial design and facilitating collaborations that help to highlight the impact of industrial design on economic, social, cultural and environmental quality of life throughout the world.

Through a series of international events, initiated by Icsid Members and non-members alike, World Industrial Design Day provides designers and like-minded design enthusiasts from a wide spectrum of professions with a channel to engage with one another. For the past seven years, hundreds of events have taken place on all continents bringing together designers through lectures, competitions, exhibits, museum days and social gatherings. With a focus on each year’s dedicated theme, industrial design champions across the world help celebrate and promote the value of design.

For more information, please contact

Natalie Dutil
Communications Manager
t: 1 514 448 4949 ext 223