Design for Peace

What if design can help us shape scenarios for meaningful experiences that can bring us peace? Established by several members of the 2022-2023 Young Designers Circle, the Design for Peace project is a multidimensional initiative merging theory and practical tools to foster peace.

In alignment with SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), the Design for Peace project explores topics related to spatiality, situational dynamics, temporality, agency, culture, and perception. Through a series of interviews, presentations and research spearheaded by the YDC, the project emphasizes proactive solutions before direct action and serves as a call to address peace-related issues across all conflict levels.

Tácticas de Paz

In August 2023, several YDC members partook in the Tácticas de Paz event at UAM – Azcapotzalco University in Mexico to present the Design for Peace project. With the goal of creating a safe space for peace-led discussions, the 3-day event featured student workshops, empathy exercises and online presentations.