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Janitri Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
An estimated 1.02 million intrapartum stillbirths, 904,000 intrapartum neonatal deaths & 250,000 maternal deaths occur globally each year. More than 99% of those deaths occur in developing continents like Southeast Asia (India) and Africa. The health disparity between urban and rural areas often exacerbates this issue.
Most of the deliveries are conducted by staff nurses in low resources healthcare settings, which lack continuous labour monitoring devices and skilled staff in a maternity ward. In current practices, staff nurses measure the fetal heart rate (FHR) by stethoscope/fetoscope/fetal Doppler and make decisions on any intervention in the event the FHR goes beyond threshold value. Not considering FHR & uterine contraction together leads to a delay in early detection of fetal distress. In low resources healthcare settings where cesarean facilities are not available, the early detection of fetal distress will help low skilled health workers make decisions sooner and consider a referral to a higher health facility.
With a vision for a world where no woman or newborn dies during pregnancy, delivery or postpartum, Indian healthcare startup Janitri developed KEYAR, an affordable and easy to use maternal and fetal heart health and uterine contraction monitoring device. This portable device allows for early detection of fetal distress and is made for use in low resource healthcare settings, where cesarean facilities are typically not available. As a key tool to prevent neonatal mortality and morbidity, KEYAR is non-invasive, and allows the mother to keep her full range of motion, a vital part of maternal wellbeing.
The device communicates with a corresponding mobile application also developed by Janitri, DAKSH, an intrapartum monitoring mobile application for automated partograph generation. DAKSH allows the nurse or medical professional to register and enter the vital signs of the pregnant woman. The app reminds the nurse to monitor the labour vitals, as per the standard WHO intrapartum protocol. It also generates alerts in case of complications, based on an integrated algorithm.
As more than 80 percent of the 27 million deliveries in India each year are happening in low resource settings, KEYAR is primarily designed to address the need of real time and continuous monitoring in these types of environments.