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Sanotion Private Ltd
There are 2.3 billion people still living without access to sanitation, and two thirds of the world’s population use a form of squat toilets. In 2014, in India alone, more than 450 million people did not have access to a toilet. Open defecation and sanitation are subjects that urgently need global attention as they directly impact the health and well-being of both individuals and entire communities.
Until local infrastructure in many developing nations can support sit-down toilets, the common practice is squatting style toilets as they consume less water. For both habitual squatters and those transitioning from open defecation, it is important to provide a sanitary, easy to maintain and comfortable squatting environment.
SquatEase is a unique and affordable squat toilet pan designed to make squatting more ergonomic and pain-free. It is also the first-ever unidirectional toilet that solves problems related to the maintenance of squat toilets in public systems and accessibility for differently-abled people.
Squatting while using a traditional squat toilet can be stressful on the knees and requires balance, and is often very difficult for the elderly. SquatEase creates a positive behaviour change in the user and aims to promote good sanitation and hygiene practices to put an end to open defecation in India.
The design has inclined planes on the footrest to help users squat easily without any pain. The incline divides the pressure on the entire foot instead of the toes, thus reducing pressure on the knees and making it more comfortable, achieving the ideal centre of gravity. In addition, the floor markings on the toilet are designed as a guide for the visually impaired to identify the correct spot to turn and squat.